Saturday, May 22, 2010

IndieGoGo and Crowdfunding has Begun

Hi folks!

I have reached a very important point in creating this short film.  I can see the jump from pre-production to production right around the corner.  I can see that my current computer is aging and I need the benefits of Toonboom versus Flash.  Next week, I will be sending my storyboards for revisions.  To proceed, I’m gonna need a little help.

I have finally launched the IndieGoGo page for Jamari Animated.  You can find it here:

I will update the pitch clip and some other things soon enough.  Just wanted to get it up for now. 

The first goal is to replace my laptop.  I need a computer that has the processing power and proper video card to run Toonboom Animate Pro.   I need Toonboom Animate Pro specifically because it has the ability to create the effects I need for Raincoat’s superpowers and the weather changes that the story calls for.  It also has the ability to export in stereoscopic 3D (3D glasses).  It would speed up production DRAMATICALLY versus me trying to reproduce the effects in Flash and After Effects or Nuke (it would save money too).  Please check out the demo of the program here to see what I mean.

I tried to run the demo with my laptop to see if it could do it.  It promptly locked up.  So… gotta replace it.  I’m probably gonna use a site like get the most processing power I can for the money (Thanks Master Tom for the suggestion!) so the $1000 goal should handle the lion share of the cost.

The $1000 goal also does something else.  With my fiscal sponsorship with Fractured Atlas, once I raise the first $1000, I will be eligible to apply for grants, which will REALLY help.  I’ll be able to approach companies and other non-profits for help too.

After I hit the first goal, then I need to fundraise to get Toonboom itself and on from there as the needs arise.  There are fund levels there and you can get some cool stuff, including a credit in the film!  Let me know if those perks are cool enough, or if you have a suggestion for a perk.

It’s IndieGoGo, so even if you can’t support the film financially (there’s a $5 level!  Every little bit helps!), please Facebook or Twitter or promote with your social media.  You may know someone who knows someone that may want to help.  Thanks!

I’ll keep you informed as I get my storyboards revised by Karen next week.  I’m also working on two webshorts and I’ll let you know about those too!


  1. I am sorry to hear about your problems with your computer, but it looks like you've got most things under control there. I'll check your IndieGoGo page!
